Wednesday May 18, 2022

The Highway of Prayer

Join Revival Cry Podcast host Eric Miller as he talks about “The Highway of Prayer”. In this message Eric shares how often the Church wants to take the backroads to revival instead of taking the highway God prepared for us, which is through prayer. In Numbers 13, once Israel came out of Egypt they should have made it to the Promise Land the land of Canaan in less than 2 weeks. After Moses sent the spies, including Joshua and Caleb, to check out the Promise Land God already gave to Israel, the spies came back with a report. Joshua and Caleb had a good report while others said that Israel should not go in. Even though the men and woman of prayer were willing to go into the Promise Land, the rest of Israel chose not to go in, so Israel wandered in the desert for the next 40 years. I believe this message today will encourage those of you who have prayed for revival but have not seen others pursuing God for revival in prayer. Let the Lord anoint you as one of His spies to you take “The Highway of Prayer” today!

Eric Miller’s 30-Day Devotional:

“Hearing God through His Creation” (English)

“Escuchar a Dios a Través de Su Creación” (Spanish)





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