Wednesday Mar 23, 2022

Overcoming Suffering: Covid Survivor Testimony of Missionaries Raul & Shelly Hurtado

Join Revival Cry Podcast Host Eric Miller as he interviews Fire International Missionaries to the Big Island of Hawaii Raul & Shelly Hurtado. Being married for 32 years and raising 4 children, Raul served as a Ranger in the USA Army and eventually became missionaries. At the end of 2021 Raul and both had covid. Raul was on a ventilator twice and in the hospital for 70 days. After the Lord delivered them they now continue to serve the students of Ekballo School of Ministry.

To contact Raul & Shelly Email:

 To follow them on Facebook:

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Eric Miller’s 30-Day Devotional:

“Hearing God through His Creation” (English)

“Escuchar a Dios a Través de Su Creación” (Spanish)






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