Friday Aug 04, 2023
I Want More
Join Revival Cry Podcast host Eric Miller as he shares a message called “I Want More”. Recorded live in Fountain of Life Church, Kingston, New York, United States of America
Voglio di Più" ("I Want More")
Written by Gioele Manciavillano
Click here to listen to the featured track in this episode!
Ho bramato la presenza Tua
[I have longed for Your presence]
Ora sono qui a versare il mio olio ai piedi Tuoi
[Now I am here to pour my oil at Your feet]
la fragranza della mia lode salga ora a Te
[Let the fragrance of my praise rise now to You]
Voglio stare qui alla Tua presenza
[I want to stay here in Your presence]
Voglio conoscere il Tuo cuore E contemplare il volto Tuo
[I want to know Your heart and behold Your face]
Avvicinami a te Gesù, io voglio di più
[Get me close to You Jesus, I want more]
Ooh ooh, Voglio di più
[Ooh ooh, I want more]
lo voglio andare in profondità
[I want to go deep]
Quando sono qui davanti a Te
[When I am here before You]
Voglio solo darti gloria oh Re
[All I want is to give you glory oh King]
Qui contemplo la Tua maestà
[Here I behold Your majesty]
Sono avvolto dalla tua bontà
[I am wrapped by your goodness]
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Purchase Eric’s 30-Day Devotional Books:
⏵ “How to Become a Burning Bush”, available in English and Italian
⏵ “Hearing God through His Creation”, available in English, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese